Saturday, 8 October 2011

Another find which i forgot about..................opppps

Opppppps how many times have you opened a bag thats either just been put there that day or from days ago and totally forgot about it?? I know I do it as I have just done it today. Just stummbled over this bag with other things from a different charity shop and found this little gem hiding in there.

This was only £1 and Im going to alter this for something but what I dont no yet, may make it a pressie or use it for some dobbers or the embossing powders I use more LOL. I love to buy and imagine them all altered but do I really think about where Im going to put it? Nooooooooooooooooooooo LOL oh well. I have a craft room but still things seem to take up alot of room (LOL but there AINT to much there oh no!!!)


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