Theses are the choc chip muffins they looked abit dull so me n lee started to mess about with icing and this is what happened LOL. I started off well with the one that looks like a bauble but it was such hard work to squeeze out the icing out of a tube i had i could do it so lee did it and he wasn't going to 'mess about' doing the whole thing so that's how the faces come about lol.
Theses are some of the cake pops i made and wow there so easy to do and so very yummy hehehe makes me want to make more now.
The big lollies in the pic below are chocolate snowflakes and the lollies was meant to go in the Styrofoam but not all of them would fit.
Theses was just the cake pops so i couldn't fit all of them on there and i couldn't fit the choc lollies on or the normal lollies lol so they didn't go out like that, so they all went out on there own.
I dipped some marshmallows into chocolate and let them set and then packaged them up as below which i could have got them neater though but they are soooooo yummy.
Here are some no cook fudge which was also yummy
Here is the cinder toffee this was also so yummy i made a tin for my mum and a tin for people to share about as my mum is a huge fan of cinder toffee she couldn't believe it was homemade.
Here's some of the millionaire shortbread that taste just like the Costa coffee store bought one and WOW yummy ain't the word if i do say so myself LOL. So making another ones of these.
Here are some truffles took a few hours for the choc to set and then roll some balls with it and wham choc truffles so so soft and mouth watering these was. Want more of these.
Here are some chocolates that i moulded using moulds and i packaged them up and dished them out. 
And last but not least these are the strawberry snowmen i made out of icing, but the noses kept falling out but i couldn't think of anything to keep them in. Lucky they fell out afterwards LOL.
Well that's all the things i have made for Christmas and if there's anything u would like a tutorial on or have questions please just ask. Hope u have enjoyed looking at my makes and hope u all have had a wonderful Christmas and hope u all have a happy new year!!!!
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