Sunday, 10 November 2013

Sorry I have been MIA again......

Eeeeee Life gets in the way of fun and keeping up with things we enjoy but I am about here and there. I have been practicing with my promarkers on and off. Mainly when I am in bed not to good, which seems to be a lot again. Anyway thought I would share with you all the images I have been colouring in, in the last two months. Not many but some.

First up are the digi images from mayzy art. My Father loves sci fi, anything like star wars, star trek, doctor who etc and it was his birthday last month so off I went in the hunt for some images. I couldn't find any, I knew I had seen some about on the web when I have been looking for other things and I could have sworn that I had saved these images along with others, but could I find them??? sadly not. So I headed off to the facebook group called digi galore and asked the wonderful group of ladies there if anyone could help me out and within a few seconds (for real) they was coming back with these images and more.

I was only practicing with my pens and this is what I come up with and I know that Spook didnt wear a green top (least I am highly sure he didn't) but I was just seeing what went and didn't.

 This is my fave, I love this image and I'm so pleased at how the tardis turned out to. This is the image I was going to use for my dads card, I had decided as soon as I had finished it.

These next images I found on Devian art, the artist is called Jadedragonne, her work is stunning. You really want to go and check her out on there.
Now there is a notice on her page if you scroll down on the right hand side stating that there is a sign to let you know if you can colour them up with her permission etc so please make sure you read that before you use her images. It isn't to long and it is so worth sticking to her 'rules, wishes, guidelines' (don't know what to call them really)  so not to get into trouble or stop these wonderful artist in allowing us to use these wonderful images.

Hope you like the images and do go and check out these wonderful artist (I have not been asked, directed or given anything to do this just wanted to show you all what I have been upto and if that helps them then I'm glad, remember these are FREEBIES)

Time to sign off now, take care and hope you are all well. x


  1. love your colouring and shading :)

    1. Thank you very much, I am finally getting some what use to my pens now. x



Just somethings I throw together to try and keep my sane and lose myself in. Hope you enjoy my Blog, thank you for stopping by. x