Saturday, 8 October 2011

Bargain of the day!!

Ok so today I went out to the town over from me and went for a wonder around with Lee. We went into the first charity shop and this is what I found:

Here are other pisc of it so u can really see what it looks like from the side and with the doors open.

And all for the price of...............wait for it, wait for it.

Thats right £5 I just couldnt leave it there at that price could I? So my beloved bought it for me. I am planning on altering it after christmas as soon as I have done all the things for christmas I must get on with the tea box I have, which I am a tiny bit way through in altering i have so far painted it all one colour as a base and I have things to put on there like other paints, papers, key holes etc. I dont no what I am going to use this one for atm but im sure I will find something :) Hope your all having a great day :)



  1. Fantastic bargain well worth what you paid for it looking forward to seeing it when you have altered it.xx

  2. What a great bargain!I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with it!

  3. Thanks ladies. Cant wait to have a play with this just got to find something to put in it LOL.



Just somethings I throw together to try and keep my sane and lose myself in. Hope you enjoy my Blog, thank you for stopping by. x