Sunday, 9 October 2011

What I have been upto tonite...

Well I have a very special persons card to make for her birthday and she nos who she is, dont ya Laura? Well i went to make a start at about 6pm and i finally finished about 10:30pm I no I no but I always find it harder to make for family and close friends. But I have to say im happy with how it has turned out and it will be getting posted out tommorow and I shall post it up very soon. Lets just say its HUGE! 12X12 infact, so im sorry Laura but theres no envolope so it will be wrapped up lol. Have a great nite going to go and chill out now with Lee and watch some American dad. Have a great nite all and sleep well.



  1. SAMMMMYYYY! I can't wait for my card - it's gonna be awesomeeee! Wooop!

    Miss you tons!


  2. LOL you just wait till the parcel turns up love just u wait!!! I wish I was there to see ur face when u open it!

    Miss u more!!!


  3. Even i haven't seen it yet!!!! i can't wait myself,come Sam put a photo up !!LOL!!!!!!!!HAPPY BIRTHDAY LAURA xxxx



Just somethings I throw together to try and keep my sane and lose myself in. Hope you enjoy my Blog, thank you for stopping by. x