Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Happy birthday Laura!!!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY HUNNI!!!!! Hope ur having a fantastic 18th!!!!!!

Ok so now she has received the card and pressies I sent down here is the pic of the card that took time and a day to make lol alot of cutting of small things.

This is the front and its twilight themed as Laura LOVEEEEEEEEEEEES twilight as much as me!

These are digi stamps from The Greeting Farm website and I have resized them so they would all fit on, but I did by mistake make rosalie smaller than the rest dont no how that happened. This is called Twilight Lovers. I have paired them all up with the men on the left and the ladies on the right with the exception of Jacob. As u can see he is on Twice once as 'normal' Jacob and then as wolf Jacob. This is because as 'normal' he loves bella and as wolf he loves Bella but Bella loves Jacob more when he turns to wolf Jacob, hope that makes sense LOL. 
I aint 100% happy with the inside but I had run out of time for me to do what I really wanted to do. So i stamped around the outside and then stamped happ birthday all over the place in black and red to keep with the twilight feel.

Hope u like my card and please leave a comment all of them are very well appriciated. Hope ur having a great day!


  1. Fab card Sam and i bet Laura loves it.You should be so pleased with how it as turned out.xx
    Sandra x

  2. Thanks Sandra! She said when she opened her parcel she squealed! It all arrived all intacked and safe so im so pleased. I am pleased with it but aint it annoying when u no what u want to do but it dont go to plan but thats what u get for leaving things till the last min. But u no me like to work at the last min and if n when I can.


  3. How wonderful to get a card that's made with so much effort and is exactly what you like-I'm sure Laura loves it!

  4. THANK YOU SO MUCH! I loved my card andmy presents! YOU ROCK!!!!!!!! <3


  5. Im so glad they arrived safe and u love them :) U also ROCK!!!! Missing u hunni!!! x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x <3



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